This is is the story of a remarkable boy named Dangerfield, who goes by the name Dangerfield, who lost his Dad at 8 years old,Dangerfield is one remarkable boy because he is well-mannered, very strong, inquisitive, and has a remarkably sunny disposition despite being raised by his Dad. This makes him especially remarkable. He must be a piece of steel.
It's not that Dangerfield's Dad was a bad man, in any way, quite the contrary. Dangerfield's Dad lived a life of good intentions. The problem was Dangerfield's Dad spent all his time fighting a real enemy, a murderous foe, a treacherous demonic power, which never appeared, and masqueraded as a ghost.
Yet this wasn't a ghost. It was a person and entourage of persons masquerading as ghosts, some of them entwined around his life like poisonous vines.
Imagine it begins with two witnesses to a criminal act of extreme negligence and malice disappearing, and a host of agents covering their cowardly escape with mystifying claims that a single, nameless, formless witness existed, who was not to be found. To the obvious, a witness leaving the scene of a crime is a crime. Two witnesses leaving the scene of a crime is a conspiracy to commit crime. Three or more people tampering with evidence at a crime scene is a conspiracy to commit a crime, and when a life is at stake, it is a conspiracy to commit homicide. You don't need to be a lawyer to suggest there is no actual statute of limitations on conspiracy to commit homicide.
But fraternity joins with an organization related to a tribe with something at stake, and turns around creating a false narrative about the target, and creates a wall of lies and fear and disrepute about the target, and more attempts to kill are made, and fail. And this malicious conduct proceeds unabated for half a century, Dangerfield's Dad never the wiser about the endless pitfalls, and crushing blows, and interference, and lies about his person.
Do these small and weak malicious entities, flirting with ghost hood, ever grow tired of maintaining this clear fallacy about the unworthiness of their hard to kill target, Dangerfield's Dad? Because in the end, they will know, they are the targets. Their deceptions, their deceitful portrayals, their thefts, murder attempts, and ceaseless character assassinations paint a picture of them for the mirror.
As for the treachery of this mob, Dangerfield would not believe the cast of characters it takes to perform a play of this weirdness and perversity upon his father. It's quite a story, which needs to be told. And so, it shall come pass, the story of Dangerfield's Dad.
Anyway, let's get started. It all begins innocently enough in a First Presbyterian Church on 103 street, in the City of Edmonton, in the year 1951.
In those days of old, people met in churches. And that is where meeting people begins. Meeting people at the beginning who happen to mystically appear at the end with a morsel of truth which until the end was unattainable, and by the time it was too late, this truth lay beyond the life saving reach of Dangerfield's Dad.
The morsel of truth is that treacherous people commit treacherous deeds for treacherous reasons without end, right to the bitter, sour finish. And you'll never know they intended to harm you in the slightest. While they are killing you. Treacherously. Oh, also, they're into killing your offspring while they're at it.
Oh, wow, let it be understood, once you have seen the catalogue of the treachery, I can assure you, people will not appear in the same light ever again.
You will probably give up on humanity, when this is finished. I think you might want to give it a pass. It's so fucking disgusting you can actually smell the death of these bastards in the words. Here's a word. Courvoisier. Roll your tongue around that smelly fucker.
The way his Dad met Dangerfield was when he was in the womb. While Dangerfield was in the third trimester, his Dad took it upon himself to read Dangerfield a story. The story he chose to read was Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. Without doubt this story was his Dad's favorite.
Once Dangerfield joined the family circle, Dangerfield's Dad took up reading to him every night. They went to parks every day. He never saw Dangerfield conflict with a child in all those days for all those years. When a kid threw him off a floating mattress in the ocean, and he submerged, despite being in the learning stages of swimming, he came up roaring with laughter. It was offshore at Piper's Lagoon. They had floated out to six feet of water, and he wore a life jacket. Dangerfield's Dad was there in five rapid strokes and returned them to manageable depths. Dangerfield mentioned as he sputtered salt water and swam in Dad's arms back to the beach he would remain friends with Noah who dunked him. The fact was revealed Dangerfield is fearless to the core of his being and his heart is gladness.